First Book Success

Writing a book as a novice writer can be a daunting journey. From research to finding the right publishing company, many things can overwhelm you. Taking up this challenge and ensuring success in your first shot can be a very challenging task.

Failure is the biggest fear for any writer, but you cannot let it stop you from discovering your potential. Yes, your first book may not break any records or instantly become a bestseller, but it can help you create your presence in the world of writers.

There are no promises for your book being a best-seller. However, these tips can help you ensure a successful start as a writer.

First Book Success

1. Hire a Literary Agent

What is a literary agent, and how can they help your book succeed? This question is not an uncommon one among novice writers. A literary agent is a professional that can help authors sell their books to a traditional publishing house.

It can be hard for writers, especially beginners, to be noticed by a publishing house without a literary agent. They help writers throughout the publishing process and to get the best possible deals for their books. Once your relationship establishes, they can also help you with future manuscripts.

Literary agents act as a gateway to a majority of large-scale publishers. They know the industry inside out and can help you take tactful steps. They can also help you edit and adjust your book according to the preference of the aspired publication house.

The best thing is that literary agents have an amazing network. They can give a read to your manuscript and know exactly who to get in touch with. Hence, they enable your chances of landing the best deal by knowing who wants to publish a book in your genre.

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2. Look for an Editor

Mistakes are a part of the journey for new writers. While making mistakes on your first attempt is okay, it is best to keep the avoidable ones at bay. Yes, you may have reviewed and edited your work several times, but it is best to get an opinion from the fresh set of an editor’s eyes.

Editors are professionals in the field who can offer you constructive criticism of your work. From grammatical mistakes to inconsistencies in tone, editors can help turn even the most mediocre books into worthwhile reads for the readers, leading to good reviews and organic growth of your book.

There are many editors that offer their best services for the benefit of writers every day. You can look for someone to meet you or hire a freelance editor. In either case, asking them to edit a sample from your manuscript before finalizing a payment plan is best.

Editors bring out the best in your work by tying everything together. Even the most experienced writers hire editors to get rid of any mistakes and save themselves from any embarrassment. They can point out awkward parts in your story and make the best of your uniqueness as a writer. 

3. Arrange Book Tours

Book tours have become an amazing way of marketing for traditionally published authors. They are one of the best ways to connect with readers and increase your visibility as an author. Yes, many publishing houses also set up tours for their writers, but it does not mean that you rely on them completely.

The best part about book tours is that you do not have to worry much about advertising. Of course, you can create a book tour schedule and share it with your fans via social media or your author’s website. However, most places you visit advertise on your behalf.

 A book tour can be a great opportunity to grow your network. From event organizers to book clubs, you will meet so many professionals and organizations on the way to build long-standing relationships. You can arrange multiple tours with them or manage events for your other works in the future.

4. Start Marketing Early

Many beginner writers think that they can hold their marketing efforts till the book is published. However, it is not true. It is always recommended to start marketing your book as soon as you start writing your script. It is important for you to create a marketing strategy early. 

You can start by creating an author’s website. An author’s website is your primary presence online. Here, people can find you, get in touch with you, and get to know more about you. It is also an ideal platform for you to create an effective mailing list.

Of course, it does not mean that you stop putting in marketing efforts after your book is published. It is important to keep up with marketing to ensure continuous book sales. Otherwise, it will not take long for your book to be forgotten by people.

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5. Connect with Your Readers

Your audience is the most important entity for you. Hence, it is important to cherish their love, support, and presence at every step of the way. Every successful author can understand the importance of staying connected with their audience for a successful career.

When readers are interested in a book, they want to know more about the one who wrote it. Once a fan is pleased, they will get their hands on every publication from you. Since the readers are an organic source of publicity, you cannot risk missing this opportunity. 

You can engage your readers with blogs or host a Q&A session to answer their questions. In addition, webinars are also an amazing option to tell the readers more about you and your thought process. Of course, it is also important to consider book signing events where they can meet you.

In addition, it is best to ensure that you mention your social media handles on your author’s website. Take some time to engage with them on social media and reply to their comments. They are important for your success as a writer, and there is no harm in letting them know so.

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