SBI Credit Card Application Status Online

SBI Credit Card Application Status: State bank of India also briefly known as SBI is one of the Top most banks of India.

It has around 24000 branches in all over India. And the best part is that it has around 59000+ ATMs which serves more than 42 crore people and you know what 42 crore is really a very large number if we are talking about customers, no other bank has been able to touch that mark or complete this milestone.

Not only this, but it is also the only bank on which people can trust blindly. The bank is always a step ahead from other banks when it comes to providing good quality services to its customers. The branches are clean, and hytech and are less with all modern technologies.

Whether it be Passbook printing machines, ATMs or Cash Deposit Machines, you will find all these things there at the bank. Also, the staff is very cooperative at the same time. They will never give you a reason to switch back to other banks. Services of SBI is great and this is an undeniable truth.

The Bank offers a large number of services out which Debit Cards, Credit Cards and Netbanking are some of the major ones. Nowadays credit card is the most preferred method of payments, and due to this most people applies for the credit card. But the worst part of this is that the credit card application takes more time to be approved.

Offcourse we can’t fasten the process but we can check the status of our application. So in this post, I will hare you the exact method my which you can check your SBI credit card application status. Below is the whole process of doing that.

SBI Credit Card Application Status Online

How to check SBI Credit Card Application Status Online


Before checking the status of your credit card application, you should be ready with the below details with you.  

  • PAN Card
  • Application Number
  • Form Number
  • Date of Birth of Yours.

After You have all these details, You can move forward to the next step, And this is the main thing that you have to focus.

  • Go to the bank’s official website. Or click the link to be redirected there directly. (official site)
  • Now navigate there and Find the tab Called Track Application or something similar to that.
  • After that popup will be displayed on which details of tracking will be displayed.
  • There will be 3 or more options of tracking the Things like Home Loan, Agri loan and Credit card. Just Simply click on the credit card.
  • After that, you have to enter your own reference number(Obtained at the time of Application.)
  • Along with the reference Number, You also have to enter your mobile number.
  • After filling these Details just click on Track. An OTP will be sent to the mobile number that you have entered in Previous
  • After that just enter the OTP and the status of your credit Card application will be displayed on the screen.
  • It will be containing all the details related to your Credit Card.

These were the details by which you can find the status of your Credit Card Application. I hope that the information will be very useful for You in Future. Especially when you are planning to get a credit card. If any query left, you can ask in the Comment section, Also, don’t be hesitate to fill up the comment section with your suggestions and doubts.

At Lat I just want to wrap it up by saying that SBI Bank is great in respective of services, specially Credit card.

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