Apple Subsidiaries

In the entire history of tech, Apple is one of the most innovative and successful companies. Almost everyone is familiar with Steve Jobs vision for Apple Inc. – ‘to provide customer with competent products and visually aesthetic’.

But, some of us are only familiar with the mergers and acquisitions which Apple had to do to reach where it is right now.

There are many other innovative business and people behind Apple Inc are clever enough to identify when to acquire a new tech advancement for making their own company grow.

However, it is true that without these acquisitions and merger Apple would not be in the top in the industry.

Let’s check out 10 most expensive and biggest acquisitions and mergers in the history of Apple Inc.

  1. Beats Electronics

Almost everyone is aware of the billion-dollar acquisition of Beats. But you might be wondering that what could possibly cost $3 billion which Apple inc. wanted so badly? We know that price of oversized headphones, however Apple Inc has made the hardware of their own headphones. It seems that due to Beat’s streaming business the Apple Inc has turned its head. This deal was very important for Apple and Dr. Due was very smart to raise the stakes for his own work.

  1. Dialog Semiconductor

The company dialog semiconductor always has a partnership with the Apple. The company has also provided power management technology to Apple Inc. however, the merger allowed Apple Inc to acquire few assets of the Dialog Semiconductor, various European facilities and 300 employees of the company. With this business deal, the relationship was even more solidified and offered to be beneficial for both sides. Owning some of the assets of Dialog Semiconductor will allow Apple to improve the power management along with the chip technology.

  1. Anobit

You can thank Anobit and the particular merger which offered the efficiency of the mobile devices of Apple. If you are thinking why this merger was so costly then take an Apple device in your hand as the device you are holding is using a flash memory for storage for which we should thank to Israeli designs from the Anobit. Also, with the help of flash storage, you need less mechanical hardware, higher functional speed and less power usage. This kind of productivity is difficult to reach and hence the merger cost $500 million.

  1. NeXT

Software and hardware are very important for the Apple Inc. Because of this Apple gadgets are different from their competitors. But the merger of NeXT was very important for the Apple Inc. After the merger the company totally switched to a different operating system. Due to which the cost of this merger was $404 million.

  1. Shazam

Music is always Apple’s specialty. It begins with music and will always continue with it. There are many brilliant music apps, but Apple selected to join hands with Shazam because of its song-recognizing capabilities. It is among the huge acquisition in the world for easy digital accessing. This was not an easy merger for Apple as the company has to face a detailed investigation from the European commission. But at the end the merger was done for $400 million and Apple users are happy with this merger.

  1. PrimeSense

Apple company is always at the top of the innovative games. For this we should thank to various geniuses in the company. But there are many amazing Apple technologies which came from the mergers. One of them is PrimeSense. Fans were impressed when the company launched its FaceID tech which was originated from the 3D – sensor company of Israel. We should also thank PrimeSense for its innovative technology. Originally, Apple’s camera was not best but PrimeSense offered a two-lens system for a new dept experience.

  1. AuthenTec

With the help of touch ID, lives of many mobile users have become easier. But whom should you thank for that? The technology was developed by the Fingerprint sensor company AuthenTec. Apple quickly jumped in and grabbed the opportunity for its mobile devices by declaring a merger for 4356 million. There are very less details available in the market for the merger as the Apple is very particular about the merger and no more details were share with the outside world.

  1. A. Semi

When you look at the Apple computer system you can understand that what a wonderful product is not in the market for public use. Until you know all ins and outs of the computer system, you will not know how critical was this merger for the Apple company. P.A. Semi was originally a microprocessor design company which was having only 150 employees during the time of merger. The company was famous for manufacturing extremely sophisticated chips which need little power than the user devices.

Also read: What are Google subsidiaries?

  1. Quattro Wireless

When it comes to advertising, it is very difficult to compete with Google, but advertising happens to be the Apple’s game. After the acquisition of Quattro in 2010, Apple company was able to improve the mobile advertising. As per the news Quattro was also a rival to the AdMob of Google. The merger of Quattro and Apple open the gates for the tech giant to come up with the strategies to stay on the top of mobile communication industry. This was done especially when the Android was just getting into good shape in market. the merger cost around $275 million to the Apple.

  1. C3 technologies

When the digital maps were in work in progress phase, Apple company took off and leave their competitors by acquiring an incredible 3D mapping company i.e., C3 technologies. The company offers photorealistic interpretations of the real-time mapping data. The development of this company is way ahead then the development of Google maps. After the acquisition of the C3 technologies the Apple Inc has also improved the traffic data and mapping.

Wrap Up

This is the list of top 10 subsidiaries of Apple which also cost lots to the Apple but were equally important. Without these acquisitions and mergers Apple would have been looking for some cool stuff.

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