Rangoli Design for Tamil New Year 2020: New Year celebration in Indian is always a

Rangoli Design for Tamil New Year 2020: New Year celebration in Indian is always a fun and people welcome New Year with great zeal. Some people prefer traveling to new place, clean their house, and make a resolution for the whole year. New Year means welcoming new thing leaving behind all the negative and unprogressive things. Every part of India celebrates their New Year on a particular date before following Gregorian calendar. Find here about  Rangoli Design for Tamil New Year 2020.

Like this, Tamil Nadu people also celebrate their traditional New Year called as Puthandu or Puthuvarusham. It usually falls in the month of Chittirai on 14 April. Unlike other days, Tamil people celebrate it by offering pooja at a temple; they make rangoli at their houses and prepare food for guests.

Here is the collection of latest Kolam rangoli designs for Tamil New Year 2018 for Tamil People. They can choose the design and draw in front of the house to welcome prosperity and happiness. Alternatively, other state people can also make this design in front of their house

New Year kolangal 2020


India is a country of diverse culture and tradition due to its 29 states and each state has its own taste of celebration. New Year falls on a different date for each state that makes the country celebrating different New Year. However, there is one thing common in these celebrations are New Year kolangal 2020 design. Every part of the country makes rangoli at different occasions but it is mainly found in South India at Tamil Nadu. Here, people make it regularly in their courtyard or in front of their entrance door.

2020 New Year kolam

Tamil New Year or Puthandu is the celebration observed in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and another part of the world by Tamil People. Tamil people residing in another part of the world never forget to celebrate their New Year either in Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Malaysia, and Singapore. They prepare rangoli in front of their house to welcome prosperity and happiness. It is an auspicious occasion for Tamil people and they believe it as a beginning of new time in their life. That is why they offer rice, coconut, nuts, flower, and betel leaf to the lord. Moreover, women prepare rangoli in the morning and they prepare special lunch for everyone.

Tamil Rangoli kolangal designs 2020

Tamil Rangoli kolangal designs 2018
Tamil Rangoli kolangal designs 2020

No doubt, New Year is a very auspicious occasion for Tamil people because on this day Lord Brahma started creating this world. This means giving birth to new life, new hope, happiness, and moving ahead leaving behind all the sadness, grief, and misfortune.

On every new beginning, we tend to prepare good food, decorate our house, clean our surrounding, and invite guests to our house. Decoration and cleanliness are for changing the old things to the new one as we change our clothes to look good.

Like the same way, Tamil people decorate their house with New Year Kolangal 2020 design to bring good energy to their house and ward off the evil spirit. It also attracts Goddess Laxmi hence; goddess visits the house and fills it with prosperity and wealth.

Date of the Puthandu

Following the Mesha Sankranti, the date falls in the month of March but according to the Gregorian calendar, it is celebrated in the month of April. On this day, there is public Holiday in Tamil Nadu state. The government also follows the tradition and culture and for this, they approve government leave so that everyone can celebrate this day in their own way.

Some people celebrate it at their paternal house with their joint family and some celebrate it in their nuclear family. However, the joy of celebration is same because you can find Rangoli at every house.

A celebration of the Puthandu

celebration of the Puthandu
celebration of the Puthandu

Day before the New Year, people prepare a thali with gold and silver, rice, coconut, flower, three kinds of fruit- mango, jackfruit, and banana,  nuts, betel leaf, cash, and, mirror etc. they believe that on the new year morning they will look at the thali before looking at anything. There is a belief that looking at these things will bring prosperity any wealth throughout the year. This tradition is called as Kanni means an auspicious sight.

After kanni, people take bath and wear new clothes. Women make rangoli at the entrance of door to welcome good things throughout the year. Later people went to the temple to seek divine blessing.

Tamil New Year kolam with dots

Tamil New Year kolam with dots
Tamil New Year kolam with dots

The house is decorated with the beautiful flowers and New Year Kolam with dots. This kolam can be made with flowers or rice flour. It can be in dotted pattern design in which dots are placed on the floor and lines are made to connect these dots. The lamp is placed inside the kolam. The lamp is lit all the time so that it dispels the darkness and brings clarity to life as well as in thoughts.

Another thing people do on this day is read Panchangam or almanac. This is the traditional method of reading verse. In this people sit together with the elderly person of the house who reads the almanac to ensure rest of year will bring happiness and luck, work will show the result.

Celebrations of New Year in Tamil Nadu

Celebrations of New Year in Tamil Nadu
Celebrations of New Year in Tamil Nadu

One month back the celebration started in the temple of Madurai and the temple is decorated with flowers and lit diyas. This celebration is called as Chithirai Thiruvuzha and it holds a record of longest day celebration in the world. The initial 15 days belongs to Goddess Meenakshi and the later 15 days belongs to Alagar, the form of Lord Vishnu. For the whole month, there is fair organized at the temple with lots of exhibition stalls in the Southern Part of Tamil Nadu, called Chittirai Vishu.

Like other festivals, on this day people wear new clothes and prepare traditional food in the house. The staple and compulsory food prepared on this day is Maanga Pachadi. It is a food made with jaggery, neem flower, and mango. It tastes like bitter, sweet, and sour in one flavor. The taste represents other aspects of life that common people go through. It gives strength to bear all the phases of life with great strength and equality. Apart from celebration, New Year kolam designs will always be attractive.

After lunch, people visit their relative and friends to wish them Tamil New Year and exchange gifts, sweets, and pleasantries to each other. People visit other’s house to bless them for rest of the year and accept the blessing. There is grand car festival organized on this day at Tiruvadamarudur and other various festivals are organized at the Tiruchirapalli and Kanchipuram.

Tamil 2020 New Year Celebrations at different locations

Tamil 2018 New Year Celebrations
Tamil 2020 New Year Celebrations

In Sri Lanka, the Tamil people celebrate this day as financial dealing so that rest of the year they do not face any loss and have money throughout the year. The financial deal day is called as Kai-vishesham. Traditionally, elder people give money to the younger as a blessing. People also take herbal bath named as maruthu-neer on this day for purity and healthy life.

It is also a day of plowing of the grain field in order to gain good harvest for rest of year. People follow the auspicious time called as Punya Kalam to start all the religious and fruitful work. People believe that at this time every wish and work will get success and bring wealth.

In Malaysia and Singapore, the residing place of Tamil people, the day starts with prayer and festival at Bato Cave temple of Lord Vishnu in Malaysia. They organize fanfare where tourists visit and enjoy the Traditional Indian culture in a foreign land. The temple is decorated with flower and people offer prayer.

Why people make rangoli on New Year day?

New Year rangoli
New Year rangoli

It is not enough to clean the house and wear new clothes when your house looks dull. Some people prefer doing whitewash to their house while some decorate it with light and flower. It is said where there is light, darkness cannot dwell there. Due to this fact, people make colorful and vibrant New Year rangoli without using black color to bring happiness, light, prosperity, and good energy to the house.

The rangoli is made with white, yellow, purple, green, orange, saffron, brown, red, and blue colors. Usually, in Tamil Nadu, people make rangoli with while rice powder, limestone, and chalk powder. The traditional method of drawing rangoli is putting the dots on the floor and connects the dots with a line in such a way that it forms a design.

Tamil kolam designs photos

Tamil kolam designs photos
Tamil kolam designs photos

Here is different pattern and style collection of Tamil Kolam designs. The most common are:

Freehand Rangoli Kolam

This design is made with various colored sand or colored powder, the colored powder is used because the rangoli can be drawn easily with sand powder. In this kind of design, the freehand flower and any other design pattern are made and colors are filled inside the rangoli kolam design. It does not require any geometrical symmetry, hence, it is easy to make and require steady hands.

Dotted rangoli

The traditional form of Rangoli make in South India, in this rice flour is used to make rangoli so that later it becomes food for ants, birds, and insects. The dots are places at specific distance and lines are drawn to make the design. People also draw loops around the dots to complete the design.

Wooden rangoli for beginners

If a person is new to rangoli design and does not anything about the rangoli then there is a stencil available in the market. This wooden stencil is carved with a symmetrical rangoli design. Place the wooden stencil on the rice flour paste than again place it on the floor to make the design. If you find the design simple and small, repeat the process in a circular pattern to make it large. Add colors so that the rangoli kolam design will look more beautiful.

Rangoli at different locations in India

Rangoli at different locations in India
Rangoli at different locations in India

Alpana in West Bengal is drawn with a white paste of rice. However, some people use white paint to draw this kind of rangoli, people also use red color to highlight the design. The only use of two colors makes it beautiful and vibrant.


This is a traditional design made in Uttrakhand and Uttar Pradesh. In this design, the red color design is made on the walls with red color. People also made this on the floors at the entrance of the door or at the courtyard. The purpose of making this kind of rangoli is welcome guests at home. Most people use turmeric, vermillion and wheat flour to make this rangoli.

Floating rangoli

This is the modern technique of making rangoli or a decorative piece for New Year 20-18 kolam. In this, candle or lamps are placed inside the bowl of water and decorate it with flower and color. People use artificial flower and scented candles to decorate this kind of rangoli. Mostly it is placed inside the house.

Flower Rangoli

Flower Rangoli kolam designs comes in different format or pattern. In this, people draw a design in circular or square form and made designs. Later they fill colored flower petals to fill the design and grass and leaf for green color. Flower petals design pleases the eyes and its fragrance lightens the atmosphere.

Another design is forming the garland of flower and place it is a way to form flower design and over the top of this design place lamp.

Colorful rangoli design

Colorful rangoli design
Colorful rangoli design

First spread the color on the floor in a circular or square format. Place the different layers of color like yellow, red, purple, and blue. Later draw the design with white color in the symmetrical pattern. Extend the design with leaves or heart shape at the border of the design and place the lamps over it or at the center of the New Year kolam design.

On every occasion, people make Rangoli Kolam design to welcome good things, it is not just followed in India but in foreign countries, people decorate their house for Christmas ever. Hence, the culture is a decoration of the house and welcoming prosperity is common but a way of celebration is different.

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